Building Evaluation

HVAC Systems
Burgess Group has experience with building evaluation. We have examined properties for possible cost exposure and reserve calculations. Mechanical systems are our specialty. However, we have a team available for other disciplines.

Forced air unit (FAU) flue piping & supply plenum
Forced air unit (FAU) flue piping & supply plenum

Plumbing and Piping
Burgess Group’s extensive knowledge and experience with construction defect litigation gives us the edge in any type of building inspections.

Polybutylene piping with acetal fitting
Polybutylene piping with acetal fitting

ABS pipe produced during the 1984 to 1990 manufacturing window has been the subject of many inspections.

ABS pipe joint with fracture (enlarged 20x)
ABS pipe joint with fracture (enlarged 20x)

Burgess Group can mobilize quickly to evaluate properties nationally and is licensed professionally in many western states.